Day 12/90 Days of Pleasure

I woke up stiff and stuck AF today. I ended my day yesterday sitting in a folding chair for hours in a tense city council meeting. I wasn’t sure if I had it in me to do anything pleasurable this morning. I felt grumpy and tired.

As I was getting ready to shower I could feel the restriction in my body and an urge to shake it loose. Intuitively my body knew what it needed to feel more pleasure - hips circles to loosen up and sonic embodiment to let it go. I was singing scales with vowels in the shower as I kept my hips moving. 

So much of this journey for me is living in the curiosity of how something will feel. Singing vowels high and low to feel the variations of resonance in my body. Noticing how it feels to sing while still and sing while moving. How would it feel as I push air and sound out of my body as I try various yoga poses? 

It was a fun practice and I felt lighter and looser on the other side of it.


Day 13/90 Days of Pleasure


Day 11/90 Days of Pleasure